When I Was a T-Rex – A Film For Future Me

Both an iPlayer film and an audio documentary for Radio 1 Stories. Lucy Evans, 18, from Aberystwyth suffered terrifying hallucinations which caused her to believe she was a monkey and a T-Rex. After a scary series of seizures, she was finally diagnosed with a life-threatening autoimmune condition, Encephalitis NMDA. Despite cutting-edge hospital treatments, there’s a chance that she could relapse after 18 months.

The film is a video guide for future ‘relapsed’ Lucy and for others with the disease, telling her story and explaining the condition. Showing how far she has come in 12 months recovering from her brain injury, and proving that she will get there again.

iPlayer film directed and produced by Thom Hoffman
Radio 1 audio story produced by Victoria Ferran

Broadcast Date: February 2019